Gymnastics and Conviviality


During gymnastics training all all-around events are used. Both man and woman ánd at all levels. The gymnastics training is led by the trainer Danique Michels, often assisted by a student trainer. During a training often practice situations are build to learn new elements. You can of course also design and adjust your own training.


The jumping training is completely focussed on teamjumping, trampolining and individual jumping. There are several events and tools, such as Double Mini Trampoline, air tumbling, and salto belt. After 3 or 4 events have been build up, the training is started with a warming-up, led by our trainer Danique Michels.


Besides all the fun gymnastics the activity committee of Linea Recta organises often several activities, such as an evening bowling or a running dinner. Also in the exam periods Linea Recta is providing a moment of rest from studying with the exambreak lunches. The lunches are each time in the theme of a country.


For the real fanatics or advanced starters there are also three student gymnastics competitions per year. On these days all student gymnasts from the whole Netherlands travel to the organising city to show their most beautiful, most original exercises to the judges. These days are always finished of with a grand theme party!


StudentenTurnVereniging - Linea Recta






Linea Recta is de studententurnvereniging voor Enschede en omstreken. We hebben dames- en heren turnen en daarnaast doen we ook aan springen in groepsverband en grote trampoline. We turnen op allerlei niveaus.

Buiten de trainingen worden diverse activiteiten georganiseerd voor de leden en hebben we ons eigen clubblad De Verrek! We organiseren regelmatig turnwedstrijden en het bestuur bestaat volledig uit studenten. We helpen mee met het draaien van bardiensten in de sportkantine, waardoor de contributie laag is. Wil je nog meer weten? Kijk dan eens rond op onze website of kom langs op een van onze trainingen!


Hours per week

Jumping training

Hours per week


External training

Per month


National competitions

Per year