
Becoming a member

Before you decide whether you want to become a member you can, of course, join some of our practices. This is possible at our open practice in September and February but of course you can also join at every other training. After that, you can decide whether you want to become a member of Linea Recta. Your membership is valid until you unsubscribe. The minimal duration of your membership is until the end of the university year.

Linea Recta is an association for students from the University Twente and the Saxion Hogeschool. To become a member of our association you need to have a Union Card. With the Union Card you can also take part in a lot of other activities such as gratis swimming at the university pool or near the city center. Next to the Union Card you also need to purchase the association fee of Linea Recta. Paying association fee is mandatory for every sports association, not only for Linea Recta. Without the Union Card it is not possible to become a member of our association and train with us weekly. Students from other universities who have a sports card in their own city can also get a Union Card and join our practices.


If you want to unsubscribe you have to send an email to the board. In the topic your write “Unsubscribe as a member” and in the mail your name. You can unsubscribe until the 1st of August. When you are to late with unsubscribing you have to pay contribution for the next year.


In addition to the Union Card and association fee, you pay the following expenses to the association Linea Recta:
(subject to change):

For half year members the following amounts hold:

The contribution is set every year during the General Member Assembly in autumn. The contribution can be kept so low as the association helps to do barshifts in the sportscantine. A big part of the income that Linea Recta makes at those barshifts goes to our association. As a member, you are asked to help with the barshifts. Next to helping the association with doing a barshift, it is also a lot of fun! It doesn’t matter if you have never been working behind a bar because you are never there on your own and there are always people present that can help you.